When the man servant is caught sniffing Miss Zoe’s worn panties she takes decisive action. With genuinely worn panties for this scene, she covers his head in worn and fragrant pantyhose, making sure the sweaty gusset is firmly over his nose and stuffs the worn panties in his mouth. She then decides to put him in one of her dresses and gives him a good hard over the knee spanking. She wants him to remember the humiliation of this day and it’s unlikely he’ll ever forget
These are free images from Femme Fatale Films, featuring corporal punishment and panty sniffing performed by Miss Zoe Page
Strict Miss Zoe states whilst she may not always be right, she is never wrong, and you had better learn that at the outset as it will save you a good deal of pain in the future. Be forewarned, a fearsome, uncompromising dominance resides in this very pretty young woman.
Specialities: Corporal Punishment (ambidextrous), Role-play, Extreme